Telework should be a business’ primary option when looking to minimize work flow disruption. By establishing a telework policy before disruptions occur, employees will be able to maximize productivity while allowing for business continuity. How formal or informal your telework arrangement depends on your company needs; however, Arlington Transportation Partners can help implement a telework program that works for both employer and employee.
By defining terms, eligibility and generating an agreement, all parties involved will know what to expect during a telework period.
Interested in additional information or establishing a telework program? Contact Arlington Transportation Partners today.
If your business isn’t ready to commit to a formal telework program, flexible scheduling is a great alternative. Instead of requiring employees to report to work during standard hours, employees can avoid peak commute hours by implementing flexible work options.
Arlington Transportation Partners encourages businesses to consider non-traditional flexible options by either developing non-peak schedules for specific teams who consistently work together or by establishing midday core hours for all employees so meetings can be held regardless of start or end times.
If your company is searching for a flexible option, Arlington Transportation Partners can help define and implement a solution that works best for your company.
Regardless of other solutions implemented, ridesharing is an option that will benefit your company now and in the future. Sharing the ride is a great way to reduce cost and stress for commuters who may not be able to take advantage of alternatives like telework or additional public transportation modes.
Think of a vanpool like a large carpool, you still need a driver but riders don’t need to organize the group themselves.
Vanpool Connect, ATP’s rideshare reward program, works with trusted vanpool providers to organize and fill new or existing vanpools coming to Arlington County. New riders are also rewarded for their commute – earning $50/month for the first six months of vanpooling. Vanpools are eligible for the transportation benefit (up to $255/month), as defined by the IRS.
If employees live more than 15 miles away and work a consistent schedule – a vanpool could be the best option for your business.
For employees interested in ridematching with 1-3 other identified people, a carpool is a great solution. Carpools can be informally organized through colleagues and neighbors or formally matched through Commuter Connections. Carpools are not eligible for the transportation benefit, as defined by the IRS but may be eligible to receive up to $2 per day through the regional Pool Rewards program.
If you’re interested in learning more about your rideshare options, contact Arlington Transportation Partners.
For employees and residents who live close to their office, active transportation is highly encouraged. Active transportation is defined as walking and biking and with the County’s extensive bike and trail networks, many trips can be made or incorporate two wheels or two feet. Don’t let that first or last mile deter you, biking and walking to or from a Metro Station or bus stop is a convenient and healthy option.
Take your own wheels for a spin or join Capital Bikeshare. Currently, there are 90+ Capital Bikeshare stations located in Arlington and more than 450 in the region. If your business is interested in a corporate Capital Bikeshare membership for your employees, contact Arlington Transportation Partners.
If you’re new to biking, check out BikeArlington’s Comfort Map which helps riders navigate easy-to-ride streets and trails. Additionally, you can purchase a bike helmet from any Commuter Store for just $16.