August 26, 2013 2:21 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
In the recent issue of Prevention magazine, a reader asked what she can do to make her commute better - some of the tips offered included singing while driving, changing one's mindset about the commute, or just move closer to work. While these certainly can help, here are some other ways that the reader and similar commuters out there can improve their trips to work!
August 22, 2013 4:44 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
The end of August can be a busy and stressful time, especially for new university students moving in to campus or commuting to a new school for the first time. For students who may not have access to a car or need a more affordable mode of transportation, there are many ways that schools and universities in our area can promote alternative transportation options to students, visitors, and employees.
August 20, 2013 2:44 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
With less than two weeks left in the month of August, and fall just around the corner, there’s still time to take advantage of the warm weather and squeeze in some more physical activity into your daily routine!
August 15, 2013 5:05 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
With all these apps that tell you what your travel options are, will TDM practitioners such as myself, who currently do this for a living, have jobs five or more years down the road? Check out this blog post to see why Elizabeth thinks that, yes - people are still important in the transportation field - changing one's travel behavior will typically involve more than just a smartphone app.
August 13, 2013 5:00 am
Published by Duncan Wallace
This summer, my office is participating in the National Bike Challenge. Wanting to be a good colleague and teammate, I volunteered to join the ranks of the passionate bicycle commuting posse - albeit on a part-time basis.
August 8, 2013 3:20 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
The Association for Commuter Transportation Conference last week was a great experience, however, this ATP employee enjoyed finding surprises all over the host city of San Antonio! From the city's bikeshare system, to the trails and pedestrian friendly street design, to the interesting and bustling local neighborhoods - San Antonio had many examples of livable and sustainable elements, making it a great place to visit!
August 5, 2013 4:53 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
As one of over 40 hotels in the county, we’re thrilled that the Hilton Garden Inn Shirlington is the first Arlington hotel designated as a Best Workplace for Commuters! The hotel went through a detailed application process to highlight the various programs, incentives, and services they offer to improve employees’ commutes and make it easier to get to work. The hotel has also been recognized as a Platinum level participant in ATP’s Workplace Commute Champions program for its efforts in encouraging alternative modes of transportation among staff and guests. Great work Hilton Garden Inn Shirlington!
July 25, 2013 3:31 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
Next week, the ATP staff along with several of our colleagues from partner organizations will be attending the Association for Commuter Transportation International Conference in San Antonio, Texas. We are very excited to hear about different topics and see what other cities are doing to reduce congestion and encourage alternative modes of transportation!
July 23, 2013 3:40 pm
Published by Duncan Wallace
Conducting a commute survey among employees is a great way to get started on planning a customized commuter benefits program for your company! This simple tool can help organizations understand the commuting habits and transportation needs of employees, while also getting an idea of what programs may work and what may not work. Get started with your employee survey today - ATP can help!
July 19, 2013 5:00 am
Published by Duncan Wallace
Last week, I attended and Urban Land Institute hosted event - The Next Generation of Bicycle Friendly Building Design. The event was geared primarily toward real estate professionals, and provided information about the growing popularity of bicycling both as a commuting mode, and as a mode for everyday trip making. Panelists covered a variety of topics, speaking to a sold out room, about a number of bicycling trends and innovations.