Guaranteed Ride Home Program
What is Guaranteed Ride Home?
The Guaranteed Ride Home program (GRH) provides registered commuters who regularly (2 times per week) take transit, bike, walk, or pool to work with a free reliable ride home for emergencies or unscheduled overtime. You may use this service up to four times per year.
How Do I Get Started?
Register for free through Commuter Connections, or call 1.800.745.RIDE. You must receive authorization from Commuter Connections before requesting your first trip.
Learn more: Benefits of GRH | Guaranteed Ride Home Program FAQs
Benefits of the Guaranteed Ride Home Program
For employers and property managers, promoting the GRH program encourages employees and residents to use alternative forms of commuting by giving them peace of mind, knowing they have a way to get home easily in case an unexpected situation causes those transit options to become unavailable.
Arlington Transportation Partners can help your business or property with promoting the GRH program by providing informational material, hosting on-site events to answer questions regarding the service, and assisting buildings in establishing a supplemental GRH benefit. Contact us for more information.